Can Can Dancer Costume: A Vibrant and Captivating Ensemble

When it comes to captivating and lively dance performances, the can can dance is hard to beat. Originating in the 19th century in Paris, France, this high-energy dance style continues to captivate audiences around the world. One of the most iconic elements of the can can dance is the flamboyant and eye-catching costumes worn by the dancers. In this article, we will explore the can can dancer costume, its history, design elements, and where you can find the perfect ensemble for your next performance or event.

The History of the Can Can Dancer Costume

The can can dance emerged in the mid-1800s in Parisian cabarets as a form of entertainment. The dance was characterized by its energetic kicks, high jumps, and acrobatic movements. To complement the lively dance style, dancers needed costumes that would enhance their performances and add flair to their movements.

The original can can dancer costumes were designed to capture attention and accentuate the dancers’ movements. They typically consisted of voluminous skirts with ruffled layers made of lightweight materials. The skirts were often adorned with colorful ribbons, lace, and bows, creating a visually stunning effect as the dancers twirled and kicked their legs.

Over time, the can can dancer costume evolved to become even more extravagant and elaborate. The skirts grew larger and more layered, creating a dramatic effect when the dancers lifted them during their high kicks. The costumes also incorporated corsets or bodices to emphasize the dancers’ figures and add a touch of sensuality to the performances.

Design Elements of a Can Can Dancer Costume

A can can dancer costume typically consists of several key design elements that make it instantly recognizable and visually striking. Let’s explore some of these design elements:

1. Voluminous Skirts

The most iconic feature of a can can dancer costume is the voluminous skirts. These skirts are designed to be wide and flared, creating a stunning visual effect when the dancers kick their legs. The skirts are often made of lightweight fabrics such as tulle or organza and are layered to add volume and movement to the costume.

2. Ruffled Layers

Another essential design element of a can can dancer costume is the ruffled layers. The skirts are typically adorned with multiple layers of ruffles, which add texture and depth to the costume. The ruffles are often made of contrasting colors or patterns, further enhancing the visual appeal of the ensemble.

3. Colorful Accents

Can can dancer costumes are known for their vibrant and eye-catching colors. The costumes often incorporate colorful accents such as ribbons, lace, bows, or sequins. These colorful elements not only add visual interest but also help to create a festive and celebratory atmosphere during the performances.

4. Corsets or Bodices

To accentuate the dancers’ figures and add a touch of sensuality to the performances, can can dancer costumes often include corsets or bodices. These fitted garments help to define the waistline and create an hourglass silhouette. They are typically adorned with decorative elements such as lace, ribbons, or beading to enhance their visual appeal.

Finding the Perfect Can Can Dancer Costume

If you’re looking to bring the excitement and vibrancy of the can can dance to your next performance or event, finding the perfect can can dancer costume is essential. Here are a few tips to help you find the right ensemble:

1. Research Online

Start by researching online to get an idea of the different styles and designs available. There are numerous online retailers and dancewear stores that specialize in can can dancer costumes. Browse through their collections, read reviews, and compare prices to find the best options for your needs.

2. Consider Custom-Made Options

If you have specific design preferences or require a unique size, consider opting for a custom-made can can dancer costume. Many costume designers and seamstresses specialize in creating custom dancewear. This allows you to have a costume that perfectly fits your body and meets your specific requirements.

3. Check for Quality and Durability

When purchasing a can can dancer costume, it’s important to check for quality and durability. Look for costumes made from high-quality materials that can withstand the rigorous movements and demands of the dance. Pay attention to the stitching, closures, and overall construction of the costume to ensure it will last through multiple performances.

4. Consider Rental Options

If you’re looking for a one-time performance or event, renting a can can dancer costume might be a cost-effective option. Many dancewear stores and costume rental shops offer a wide range of costumes for various dance styles, including the can can. Renting allows you to access high-quality costumes without the need for long-term storage or maintenance.


Q: How did the can can dance originate?

A: The can can dance originated in 19th century Parisian cabarets as a form of entertainment.

Q: What are the key design elements of a can can dancer costume?

A: The key design elements of a can can dancer costume include voluminous skirts, ruffled layers, colorful accents, and corsets or bodices.

Q: Where can I find a can can dancer costume?

A: You can find can can dancer costumes online at various dancewear stores or consider custom-made options from costume designers or seamstresses.

Q: Can I rent a can can dancer costume?

A: Yes, many dancewear stores and costume rental shops offer can can dancer costumes for rental purposes.